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Harvest(in)Gowanus explored the use of architecture and ecological infrastructure for the entire remediation of the Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn, NY. At the mouth of the Flushing Channel, the project rests lightly above the land as it tells a story of water and community. By "harvesting" the existing materials on the site down to the polluted soil, the project allows for future in-habitation of a once extremely polluted site. To bring people back to the water's edge, the facility marries two programs: a community center and a water treatment/retention facility. By implementing a boat dock and a ski slope, the existing conditions are activated and encourage interaction by its inhabitants. In addition to the provided program, the project looks at applying densification techniques as the water levels rise. Each floor above the current water level can function as water storage as well as mixed use programmable space. By activated the role of water within the everyday lives of people, the project encourages a new relationship with the earth which may potentially educate people to care for their water sources in a more direct way.

Role: Independent Designer
Competition entry for the 2012-2013 Gowanus by Design WATER WORKS Competition
Advisor: Ted Shelton and Tricia Stuth
First Place in the Architectural Design Category and exhibited at the American Can Factory in Brooklyn, NY
