The in between

Northern India | January 2019

Ladies of the Red Fort, Agra

Ladies of the Red Fort, Agra


“What is getting in the way?”

… she asked with wide eyes, adjusting her weight to lean forward on her arms. I sat there not knowing what to say. Expectant and curious, she asked again. “I’m… afraid of failing,” I muttered nervously, knowing she had heard that time and time again. “Afraid… to fail?… fail at what?” she asked sternly. “Umm… anything.”

That night I had been invited to a Doonya dance class hosted by a group called Pack Retreats, a company founded by two professional life coaches that seeks to “foster long-lasting community among change makers, high performers, and heart-centered entrepreneurs who want to experience the world while unlocking their inner potential.”

Just outside of our comfort zones lies a space filled with amplifications of our truest selves. Over the course of 14 days in India, I learned about many of the cultures within Rajasthan, religious practices, traditional dances, and consumed far too much naan. India became a testing ground for a new braver version of myself.

Day One: Street Chai, New Delhi, India   |   Photo Credit: Leah Judson

Day One: Street Chai, New Delhi, India | Photo Credit: Leah Judson